LIFE For the last generation, far too many pro lifers cheered the easy campaign promise to “overturn Roe” instead of tackling the tougher job of helping turn the American culture…
Time to Ditch “Evangelical”?
A recent post highlighted in stark detail evangelicals’ poor reputation to those outside the faith. I wonder if it’s time to change adjectives. This isn’t as crazy as it sounds.…
Building Bridges Not Castles
Christ’s call to the disciples before leaving earth: Go and make disciples. That was much easier in our culture just a few decades ago when even those outside the faith…
Shocking Headline: “Children Do Better When Raised by Married Man and Woman”
When the progressives admit the truth, we have another bridge to share the faith. Some of you may be turned of by the much maligned phrase, “follow the science.” It…
Ghostbusters and Christ Two men who bonded over a 1980s science fiction movie are committed to defending the Christians faith. For Brian Auten and Chad Gross of the popular Apologetics 315 Podcast…
Changing How Teens Are Taught
It’s not big surprise that so many children raised in the church leave their biblical bubble and, suddenly barraged by opposing worldviews, end up walking away from the faith. In…
Why We Need A Deeper Church
Problem: Most of energy from evangelical churches is spent cursing the increasingly hostile and secular culture. The problem is that not enough energy is spent helping Christians understand and embrace…
Your Pastor is Probably Thinking of Quitting
One of The Post Covid Church themes is the importance of leadership during these contentious times. A recent podcast (Letting God Lead) focused on re-thinking church and ministry leadership. Another…
Letting God Lead
The Post Covid world has revealed the importance of adjusting quickly. In too many congregations the innovation stopped with on-line services. Facing an increasingly hostile culture and the greatest need…